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Forma screen redefines the classic paravent, transforming it from a mere partition into a sculptural centerpiece that embodies both elegance and spatial artistry. Designed by Anthony Guerrée and inspired by Carl Andre’s Still Blue Range (1989), Forma embraces Carl Andre’s minimalist philosophy, presenting a composition where presence and absence, solidity and openness are orchestrated with a refined sense of balance.

Through this work, Anthony Guerrée channels the spirit of Carl Andre’s art, emphasizing material purity, structural weight, and the subtle interplay of geometric forms that invite exploration from multiple perspectives.

forma paravent la chance anthony guerrée



Anthony Guerrée is a French designer, born in Normandy in 1987. He lives and works in Paris. As a designer, he has always worked closely with artisans, exploring high-quality craftsmanships and the history of French decorative arts.

Anthony Guerrée was educated at the École Boulle in Paris. Fascinated by the interior designers of the ‘30s, Anthony joined Studio Andrée Putman, in 2010, where he was able to work with the best ‘makers’ in the world in shaping world-class interiors. In 2015, Anthony went to work for designer Christophe Delcourt, assisting him in designing his Delcourt Collection furniture, as well as contributing to Christophe’s collaborations with French and international brands.

In 2020, Anthony Guerrée ventured out on his own and developed a unique signature, inspired by his travels, personal interactions and literary encounters.

Discover La Chance designers

What was the initial inspiration for the Forma screen?

forma paravent la chance anthony guerrée

Can you draw the Forma Screen in your dream house ?

forma paravent la chance anthony guerrée
forma paravent la chance anthony guerrée


Forma exemplifies La Chance’s dedication to precision and artisanal excellence. Constructed with a rigorous attention to detail, each panel is crafted from Japanese tamo wood and polished stainless steel.

Tamo, a rare and precious wood often reserved for fine lutherie, brings a rich, intricate grain to Forma, adding natural depth and a tactile warmth. This intricate woodwork is paired with the seamless stainless steel, whose polished, mirror-like finish is achieved through a labor-intensive process. Each metal panel is meticulously welded and polished by hand, ensuring flawless, monolithic surfaces that reflect the space around them.


Standing as a sculptural statement, Forma introduces a vertical rhythm into spaces traditionally dominated by horizontal forms, such as tables and seating. This verticality is more than functional; it is a deliberate homage to the French Art Deco tradition of paravents.


forma paravent la chance anthony guerrée
forma paravent la chance anthony guerrée

Anthony Guerrée also designed Marfa, a glass and steel coffee table, Eclipse, a solid wood dinner table and Orbe, a modular sofa.

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